Monday, August 24, 2020
'Discuss the biology of Alzheimer's disease' Essay
'Examine the science of Alzheimer's malady' - Essay Example The clinical highlights of Alzheimer's illness (AD) are, loss of momentary memory, inadequate in praxis (capacity to perform talented developments) and the aptitude of thinking and judgment (Doraiswamy PM, 1997). These side effects emerge from contribution of the transient projection, hippocampus, and the parietal affiliation cortices, with lesser inclusion of frontal flaps, until the sickness is in its later stage. A second most unmistakable neuropathological include which is likewise present in AD is the complex, fibrilar stores in the cortex of the mind; this is known as decrepit and amyloid plaques. Amyloidal plaques have been the subject of AD explore as of late. These plaques contain various proteins, including apolipoprotein E, and 1-hostile to chymotrypsin (Carlos Morgana, 2004). The vital segment amyloidal plaques are amyloidal-beta peptide that is gotten from a beta-amyloidal antecedent protein. The nearness of another unmistakable trademark, that is additionally present in different dementias like Lewy Body Variant of AD and Fronto-fleeting dementia, is the frequency of neurofibrillary tangles. These knot are intraneural considerations that are made out of hyperphosphorylated types of a microtubule related protein known as tau (Peter H. St George-Hyslop, 2004). As it were neurofibrillary tangles are the obsessive neuron totals present in the neurons of the patiets experiencing AD. Over the most recent quite a long while, because of the expanding frequency of AD, specialists have been focussing on the fundamental driver of this malady in everyone. Much research has been done, and it by and large affirms that the general life time danger of AD in a first degree relative of somebody with AD is about 38%, by the age of 85 years. Three primary reasons appear to mirror a mind boggling method of transmission (1) single autosomal quality deformities, (2) multi-quality characteristics, (3) a method of move where both hereditary and environmenal factors associate. The examination additionally recommended that solitary a smal part of human poulation mirrored, the transmission as an unadulterated autosomal prevailing mendelian characteristic. Ongoing hereditary examinations have distinguished four qualities related with acquired hazard for AD (presenilin 1, presenilin 2, amyloid antecedent protein, and apolipoprotein E) (Peter H. St George-Hyslop, 2004). The principal qua lity to be recognized as a forerunner for AD is the amyloid antecedent protein (APP). This quality is liable for encoding an on the other hand grafted transcript which, in its longest isoform encodes a sear transmembrane that traverses a polypeptide of 770 amino acids (J. Kang, 325). This protein experiences a progression of endoproteolytic cleavages. This is intervened by a film related alpha-secretase that cuts this protein in the A peptide area, and frees the extracellular N-end APP. The other cleavage pathway includes successive cleavages by the - and - secretases, in this manner creating a 40-42 amino corrosive A peptide. The second protein dependable is Apolipoprotein E. This protein in people contains 3 regular polymorphisms. Examination of these polymorphisms in AD unaffected people has indicated that there is an expanded recurrence of the delta 4 allele in individuals with AD. The third quality liable for AD is Presnilin 1 (R. Sherrington, 1995). Presenilin 2 is the fourth quality that was recognized during the cloning of Presenilin 1 on chromosome 14. This quality encoded a polypeptide whose open understanding edge
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Carl Jung Essay Example
Carl Jung Essay Turning out to be Carl Jung, a Developmental Analysis Steve Wilkinson Chesapeake College Becoming Carl Jung, a Developmental Analysis Carl Gustav Jung (1875-1961) was a Swiss psychotherapist who established explanatory brain research. He is known for his work in the investigation of dream examination, outgoing and thoughtful character types, just as studies on religion (Lewis, A. , 1957). Carl Jung was conceived in Keswill, Switzerland, to guardians Paul Achilles Jung and Emilie Preiswerk (Charet, F. X. , 2000). Paul Jung was a minister, and Emilie was from a well off Swiss family and was keen on power. Carl was named after his granddad, a clinical specialist. Emilie experienced despondency all through Carl’s youth and regularly showed enormous emotional episodes, what Carl would later depict as double characters. Carl had a superior relationship with his dad growing up, and experienced issues for a mind-blowing duration confiding in ladies Jung, (C. G. , 1965). Until age nine, Jung was a lone kid and invested the majority of his energy playing alone. By age eleven, Carl started in another school. He started to acknowledge how poor his family was contrasted with his cohorts. Carl battled with math, favored not to be in school, despite the fact that he accomplished passing marks. While strolling home from school one day, Jung was pushed by a kindred cohort and struck his head, making him go oblivious. He would accordingly have swooning spells when going to class or doing schoolwork. Carl was removed from school for a period, and determined to have conceivable epilepsy. Subsequent to catching a discussion between his father and a companion about the ramifications of Carl’s blacking out spells and worry for his future, Carl recuperated and never had another scene of swooning. We will compose a custom exposition test on Carl Jung explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom paper test on Carl Jung explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom paper test on Carl Jung explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We can perceive how Nature and Nurture influenced Jung through adolescence and significantly affected his turn of events and has cleared a street for his vocation in brain science. The two his folks and Grandfather probably established a connection with his initial life, as we see a blend of religion, mysticism, and science impacting him as a youngster (C. G. , 1965). Being a lone youngster, Carl was allowed to concentrate on his own sentiments, was inventive, imaginative and built up his own manners of thinking autonomously of others (Bennet, E. A. 1983). Indeed, even hough growing up generally poor, Carl approached great schools, guaranteeing better instructive chances. Carl’s blacking out spells, clear dreams and his own sentiments of double characters gives us an understanding to all the more likely comprehend his craving to turn out to be progressively learned about those territories (C. G. , 1965). Subsequent to recuperating from his blacking out spells, Carl started to pay attention to his investigations (C. G. , 1965). Carl was normally talented in his investigations and performed very well. Carl didn't care for rivalry with his kindred understudies, so he deliberately decided to be second best in his classes. All things considered, Carl experienced threats between individual cohorts, and just had a couple of companions. Carl had a nontraditional perspective on God and religion, and church started to exhaust him. He asked his dad some very inside and out inquiries regarding religion, yet didn't get adequate answers. Carl started to go to seances and got intrigued by the investigation of dreams and religion to clarify the phenomenon’s that influenced himself, his mom, and others. He discovered that psychoses or character infections were what he needed to commit the remainder of his examinations to. He completed school, thanks to some extent to budgetary guide from his uncle, and started work at a mental clinic. He distributed a book â€Å"Studies in word association†and sent a duplicate to Sigmund Freud (Lewis, A. 1957). They turned out to be dear companions and cooperated for quite a long while. A dropping out between the two clinicians resulted after a hypothetical contradiction, along these lines finishing their companionship. Presently Jung was drafted as a military specialist in World War I. We can perceive how Nature and Nurture influenced Jung through puberty through his regular gifts at the scholarly world, just as being in ready to go to a costly school. His closeness to Freud no uncertainty affected him building up his speculations, just as working together (C. G. , 1965). His perspectives on religion, seances, and dreams become progressively concrete, and he has the way to create and seek after the investigation of these zones in a logical limit. At the age of thirty eight, Jung started to build up his very own psychosis (C. G. , 1965). He heard voices, had dreams, and fantasies. Jung started to record his encounters in a diary through the span of sixteen years. This diary was simply discharged in 2009 and titled as â€Å"The Red Book†. During this timeframe Jung was detached from a significant part of the remainder of the world. Jung kept on distributing books and did additionally inquire about on religion and dreams; some of which stay questionable. Inclinations encompassing Jung incorporate his own encounters with psychosis, just as relationship with Nazis during the Second World War (Charet, F. X. 2000). In spite of the fact that these reactions are unwarranted, they appear to dishonor his work and view him and his thoughts as ridiculing. Jung proceeded with his works until his passing in 1961. As I explored the life of Carl Jung I saw his youth as exceptionally intriguing. I could perceive how his supported improvement in his initial years joined with his parent’s foundations and his topographical area affected his profession and life’s work. It appeared as though he was foreordained to work in the field of brain research. Carl Jung’s venture from a kid to his life’s work in brain science is obvious at each phase of improvement for an amazing duration. From a pastor’s child, a mother who encounters double characters, even Carl being named after his granddad (a clinical specialist) had a job in Jung’s improvement. Being a lone kid, approaching great schools, being in closeness to other conspicuous therapist like Freud had an impact in Carl Jung’s improvement. It wasn’t a certain something, yet a large number of little things that happened for the duration of Jung’s life that lead him to turn into the individual he is. As Carl Jung said â€Å"the sole reason for human presence is to encourage a light in the obscurity of simple being;†formative brain research gives a system to depict and comprehend human conduct and gives a concentration to that light. References Lewis, A. (1957). JUNGS EARLY WORK. Diary Of Analytical Psychology, 2(2), 119-136. Elms, A. C. (2005). Jungs lives. Diary Of The History Of The Behavioral Sciences, 41(4), 331-346. doi:10. 1002/jhbs. 20117 Charet, F. X. (2000). Getting Jung: late accounts and grant. Diary Of Analytical Psychology, 45(2), 195. Jung, C. G. (1965). Recollections, Dreams, Reflections. New York: Random House. pp. 8. ISBN 0-394-70268-9. Bennet, E. A. (1983). What Jung Really Said, New York: Shocken Books.
Thursday, July 23, 2020
Didnt You Graduate
Didn’t You Graduate Ill begin with a flashback. Scene: On my way back from my daily trip to get fruit snacks from the vending machine. Bryan runs into friend who had been participating in the Cambridge-MIT Exchange the last year. Bryan: Hey, long time no see. How was Cambridge? Friend: I really liked it, but Im glad to be back. Bryan: Cool. Friend: Werent you supposed to have graduated by now? What happened? Bryan: Im actually starting grad school. Friend: Oh thats better. Bryan: Right. Friend: OK, well Ill talk to you later. Bryan: /end awkward situation zomg ben jones blogger alum?!?!?!? did you really have to remind me? Can I at least be Bryan O. 07, 12? So the purpose of this entry is to somewhat reintroduce myself and talk about life post MIT at MIT. I graduated June 8 and I was in lab on June 9. Welcome to graduate school! (I actually chose not to take the summer off) Enough sarcasm though, Ive really enjoyed my research and being able to continue looking at unanswered questions that I now have time to dedicate to. This summer, Ive been working for my UROP advisor, Linda Griffith, with a variety of projects pertaining to our central goal of developing a high throughput bioreactor for tissue engineering applications. Aside from my time in lab, Ive been learning how to cook and clean and all of the other skills required of adulthood. OH and if you think you can do everything at MIT in four years, Ive actually done something that I never once did while an undergrad SAILING! I officially start graduate school in a week pursuing my PhD in Biological Engineering. I graduated from MIT in June with my BS in Mechanical Engineering so it is possible to switch fields. And it also is possible to stay at MIT for grad school if you were an MIT undergrad. So hopefully, my graduation date will be the same as those of you who are applying for admission to the Class of 2012! By the time I graduate, I will have spent 1/3 of my life at MIT. This will be the longest Ive ever spent at one educational institution in my life. I went to 2 different elementary schools, 3 different middle schools, and 2 different high schools. And maybe if Im cool enough, I can become an MIT Lifer (you just found out one of my secret life goals GASP). One of the most challenging things as of late has been graduating but still staying at the same place. Part of growing up is knowing when its time to part ways with things that are still fond to your heart in order to move forward. So with that said, my days of partying and running here and there from event to event may be fewer and far between. Even though Im still a student, graduate school is somewhat an apprenticeship in which you prepare yourself for a career in research and since Id like to go into academia, I need to be focused. With that said, there are certain things that I cannot part ways with because they still remain to be very important to me. One of those things is this blog. I cant tell you how many people told me not to apply to MIT because of the weird people they believed to be at MIT. Not to say that I dont have personal quirks like any other human being, MIT is great place to learn, see, and do. That is a fact that does not change depending on your status, undergrad/grad/alum/faculty/staff. I look forward to coming to school, meeting really interesting people, and challenging myself further. That attitude is part of what makes MIT the place that it is. Everyone has energy and is motivated by something. However, now that Im graduated, I think I may focus more on things that are more abstract and not about events and activities. Another aspect of my life that I cannot part with is the community that helped me through my undergraduate experience, my fraternity. One of my biggest pieces of advice about college is that you find a community in which you feel you belong and will support you. Im not going to lie and say its a cakewalk. MIT is challenging, theres no doubt about that, but having people who are willing to be there by your side is really important. Recognizing that graduate school would provide a similar amount of challenges as undergrad, I felt that having a community that even as a grad student would remain to be supportive was a crucial and important thing to me. However, dont expect Old School 2 out of me. Im going to be helping them out with advice, career planning, and general getting through MIT skills (you can call me a grandpa, its okay) So as I enter this new phase at MIT, Im excited by the challenges that will face me and Im excited to meet new people. For those of you arriving on campus or for those of you have already arrived, grad students dont bite, so say hi if you ever see me around. Ill want to take breaks from lab eventually :) And for those of you applying, Im in a privileged situation in which I got to apply to MIT twice, so Ive had two times as many application seasons, scholarship applications, and challenging decisions to make when it comes to selecting a school. So even though Im not an undergrad anymore, Im still MIT through and through and will try with the new chapter of entries that I will write to talk about what Ive gained from my education, lessons you learn at MIT, and what its like to be here even at age 22. And Ill throw in some throwback entries every now and then/all the entries I wish I had written when I was still an undergrad. OH and IM INTERVIEWING FOR MIT THIS YEAR :) SWEET
Friday, May 22, 2020
Transformation in Flying with the Eagle, Racing the Great...
In the novel Flying With The Eagle, Racing The Great Bear, a popular myth embedded within is called Racing The Great Bear. In this story there was a man named Swift Runner who was looked down upon in his village but he felt he was better then how he was viewed. Through several different processes he went through many life-endangering elements to physically and emotionally mature. Myths are traditions of stories that are interpreted many ways. Some myths are used to make sense of the world or anemology. Some myths tell a story of sociological lessons. And some myths tell psychological lessons towards the reader rather than the character itself. Whichever the myth, â€Å"A myth is an image through words in which we try to make a sense of the world,†(Alan Watts). Myths are shown as symbolic tales of the distant past that are passed down from generation to generation. One particular way to look at mythology and the study of myths is through Joseph Campbell’s theory of a m onomyth, or the basic pattern throughout all myths around the world. This pattern Joseph Campbell describes, he conveys to happen in all classic myths, which he in turn calls, the hero’s journey. The hero’s journey is a series of stages or a cycle that occurs in three phases and results in transformation and a discovery of self-knowledge. Within the hero’s journey comes personal development, or a reflection of the changes that occurred with the journey now taken. Within my story, Flying with the Eagle, Racing theShow MoreRelatedCase Studies67624 Words  | 271 Pagespreponderance of the final production cost is tied up in these input items, many producers have vertically integrated backwards by acquiring ore and coal/coke mining firms and transportation networks (rail and barge). The supply factors of production (transformation factors) are labour to operate plants, capital facilities and land. Recent modernisation has significantly substituted technology for labour in steel production. Minimills are a significant force of change in the industry, as their supplier andRead More65 Successful Harvard Business School Application Essays 2nd Edition 147256 Words  | 190 Pagesat Harvard Business SchooL We encourage you to bear in mind that your profession is not what makes the essay special. What makes you special is how you make the big (or small) decisions in life and how they have led to your growth. The only common strain in the successful essaysis that applicants have clearly xi Introduction described why each experience is challenging, educational, and transformationaL We hope this book motivates you to write great essays by revealing who you really are. Be captivatingRead MoreMarketing Mistakes and Successes175322 Words  | 702 Pagesdiscussions, and even debates. In the gentle environment of the classroom, students can hone their analytical skills and also their persuasive skillsâ€â€not selling products but selling their ideasâ€â€and defend them against critical scrutiny. This is great practice for the arena of business to come. NEW TO THIS EDITION In contrast to the early editions, which examined only notable mistakes, and based on your favorable comments about recent editions, I have again included some well-known successesRead MoreProject Mgmt296381 Words  | 1186 Pages 18 Career p aths Modern Project Management What Is a Project? The Importance of Project Management Project Management Todayâ€â€An Integrative Approach Summary Text Overview 2 All of mankind’s greatest accomplishmentsâ€â€from building the great pyramids to discovering a cure for polio to putting a man on the moonâ€â€began as a project. This is a good time to be reading a book about project management. Business leaders and experts have proclaimed that project management is a strategic imperative
Thursday, May 7, 2020
Literary Criticism Of Feminist Criticism - 1145 Words
Task 2 - Literary Criticism A. Summary of Literary Criticism: Feminist criticism is a literary criticism that is grounded upon the feminist theory, or by the politics of feminism. This analysis can be applied through feminist principles and gender equality to critique the language and structure of literature. Basic methods of feminist criticism include identifying with female characters and reevaluating the world in which literary works are read. B. Answers to bulleted questions: †¢ How is the relationship between men and women portrayed? Both men and women in Brave New World have very different roles in society. The novel clearly shows that men are superior in all areas of life, such as work positions and the way they act. However, women maintain a higher standing in social situations. Males are leaders of the World State whereas females are treated as sex objects. †¢ What are the power relationships between men and women (or characters assuming male/female roles)? In the workplace, men are represented as physically and mentally superior to women. This dominance is shown at the very beginning of the novel when all the students touring the Hatchery are males. The high positions in the World State are also held by men. Bernard and Helmholtz are the leaders of propaganda, Henry and the Director control the hatchery, and Mustapha Mond is ¬ mainly in charge of the government. †¢ How are male and female roles defined? The women in Brave New World are not seen as a fundamental partShow MoreRelated Feminist Literary Criticism and Lysistrata Essay1832 Words  | 8 Pagesfact originally led feminist critics to disregard the classical period. In an article titled â€Å"Classical Drag: The Greek Creation of Female Parts,†Sue Ellen Case states that because â€Å"traditional scholarship has focused on evidence related to written texts, the absence of women playwrights became central to early feminist investigations†(132). 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It also seems to be a conflict that the feminists are winning: as feminist criticism gains in popularityRead MoreFeminist Theory Applied to Hamlet2809 Words  | 12 PagesRepresenting Ophelia: Women, Madness, and the Responsibilities of Feminist Criticism Elaine Showalter Though she is neglected in criticism, Ophelia is probably the most frequently illustrated and cited of Shakespeare’s heroines. Her visibility as a subject in literature, popular culture, and painting, from Redon who paints her drowning, to Bob Dylan, who places her on Desolation Row, to Cannon Mills, which has named a flowery sheet pattern after her, is in inverse r elation to her invisibility inRead MoreEssay about The Effects of Femininity1571 Words  | 7 PagesIn order to understand the effects that ideas of femininity have on literary texts, we must first acknowledge what the term means. Clearly both terms derive from the original sex of the being, whether male or female, and can be similarly tied in with notions of gender, either masculine or feminine, which are said to be constructs, or labels, created by society. However `masculinity and `femininity become, on some levels, dislodged from the idea of the biological makeup and gender constructs,Read MoreA Female Reader’s Perception of Ovid’s Metamorphoses Essay820 Words  | 4 Pagesmodern female reader will in some way feel challenged by the themes Ovid presents to her – scenes of rape, male dominance and frequent victimisation of female characters. In support of this thesis, I have been analysing feminist theories and the genre of gender in a literary context in order to support my investigations into what it is that makes Ovid particularly distressing to read for a female reader. I will be discussing themes such as how a female reads and approaches male biased texts suchRead MoreThe Awakening By Kate Chopin1479 Words  | 6 Pagesestablished 19th century perspective of women upholding strictly maternal and matrimonial responsibilities. Edna’s candid exploration of the restrictions on women through her liberal behavior in a conservative Victorian society makes her a literary symbol for feminist ideals. Despite denunciation from other people, Edna chooses individuality over conformity through her veering from traditional obligations. Edna indulges in her love of art, which is considered to conflict with her expected singular devotionRead MoreCritical Theory2567 Words  | 11 Pagesstereotypes in a patriarchal and imperialistic ‘white European male ’ dominated society, thus overthrowing centuries of colonization, subordination, marginalization and exploitation Feminists seek to reconstruct decrepit ideas of femininity, and extinguish female oppression over the years. Feminist literary criticism, in the first and seconds waves, critique patriarchal language, by exposing how these reflect masculine ideology. It examines the gender politics and pre-conditioned, constructed sexRead MoreFeminist Literary Criticism in Indian Camp By Ernest Hemingway1333 Words  | 6 PagesFeminist Literary Criticism in Indian Camp By Ernest Hemingway In the short story â€Å"Indian Camp†, by Ernest Hemingway, many controversies arise about the idea of feminism in the text. Feminism is a general term used to describe advocating women’s rights socially, politically, and making equal rights to those of men. Feminist criticism is looked through a â€Å"lens†along the line of gender roles in literature, the value of female characters within the text, and interpreting the perspective from which
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Praise Be To Tyrell Religion in Blade Runner Free Essays
â€Å"‘More human than human’ is our motto. †(Scotts, BR) This famous quote, said by the character Tyrell in Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner, sums up the overall theme of the movie, which is the nature of being human. Blade Runner is Scott’s depiction of what is to become of Earth and how civilization has come to a point where humanity can be questioned. We will write a custom essay sample on Praise Be To Tyrell: Religion in Blade Runner or any similar topic only for you Order Now Reality is blurred and the nature of what is human is changing. Replicants appear identical to humans and even have emotions while the real humans appear cold and unemotional. The characters in this film are staged perfectly to compliment their environment as well. Scott uses mise en scene to suggest a vision of the future that is not only a collapsed, technological metropolis, but also a sad, lonely, and overall soulless place. Scott also uses the typical film noir protagonist who is often alone and faces an inner struggle between being a hero and looking out only for himself. Deckard, played by Harrison Ford, is far from a knight in shining armor, in fact, some of his actions might suggest that he isn’t a hero at all. However, in order to understand Scott’s complex film, a closer look is in order. We must look past the basic actions of the characters and focus on rather why they do their actions. One way to do this is by focusing on the films subtle subtext element of its allegorical relationship to Christianity. Throughout the film, it appeared that the analogy between the Bible and events in the movie actually had a relative connection, for example, Tyrell could be seen as God, Roy Batty as Lucifer, and Rachel as â€Å"the biblical wife of Israel in the Old Testament; the mother of a culture that will rule the Earth. †(Romero, 114) Also known as Eve, and Deckard as Adam. Humanity itself is brought up for definition in this film, as the Replicants are in many ways more human than the â€Å"real humans†they are interacting with. These Replicants are artificial organic humanoids which only have five-year life spans, and are banned from Earth. Death is an obsession to the Replicants. This is because although they know that they will die in a few years, they do not know their incept dates, thus not knowing when the clock actually started, or when it will end. Death to the Replicants is represented by their own mortality and the outside personification of the Blade Runners. This could possibly be why they live much more passionately than the human characters. Also, the main Replicant Roy Batty, displays a greater importance to life. Roy, and his loyal followers Oris, Zora, and Leon, are representations of fallen angels. They can be represented by Lucifer in the way that they have been expelled from the earth (much like Lucifer being expelled from heaven), and is obsessed with the same questions of morality. Roy’s angelic side is displayed, however, at the end of the film when he spares Deckard his life. During the scene, Deckard is filmed from a high angle to suggest vulnerability and a lack of understanding, with his eye’s clenched shut as he clings to the building; a keep of blindness to the world around him. With the end near, Roy Batty goes through a change that manifests in the fact that he prevents Deckard from falling to his death and becomes his savior. In fact, as Roy grabs Deckard from the ledge he shouts, â€Å"Ah, kinship! †(Scott, BR) As the two face each other, their proximities become closer. So close in fact, that they fit the frame tightly together. Now the angle of the camera is level, almost like an understanding simply by the two characters sitting eye to eye. As they face each other, Roy seems to come to terms with his own morality and the inevitability of death. Though Roy is put at peace, this shocking and moving scene stirs up questions and thoughts within Deckard’s head. He states, â€Å"I don’t know why he saved my life. Maybe in those last moments he loved life more than he ever had before. Not just his life – anybody’s life; my life. All he’d wanted were the same answers the rest of us want. Where did I come from? Where am I going? How long have I got? All I could do was sit there and watch him die. †(Scott, BR) Thus, Roy Batty has redeemed himself by following in the footsteps of Christ. This is where the nail in the hand begins to make sense, as Roy is in effect attempting to become Christ-like himself. He has also forgiven others as he would have God forgive him in that he saved the man who killed his beloved Pris. As he dies, the white dove he had been holding escapes from his hand and flies up into the sky. Roy’s newly purified soul is now free, and on the way upward to peace and salvation. With evil there must be virtue to counter balance it. In this case, to counter balance Batty’s symbolism of Lucifer, J. F. Sebastian symbolizes Christ in the film. He is the missing link between the Replicants and Tyrell. He is also human in the fact that he was born rather than created, but he has a disease which is quickly killing him, thus he is in a similar predicament that the Replicants face with morality. So the connection can be made that he is a composite of man and Replicant just as Christ was a composite of man and God, and also the fact that as Christ lived among men, J. F. ived among the Replicants. When asked by Pris if he ever gets lonely, J. F. responds, â€Å"Not really. I MAKE friends. They’re toys. My Friends are toys. I make them. It’s a hobby. I’m a genetic designer. †(Scott, BR) Another similarity between Christ and J. F is that Christ attempted to bring humanity to God, and was killed by the very people he attempted to help. J. F also attempted to bring man (Replicants) to their maker, Tyrell, and was murdered for attempting to help. Though J. F. Sebastian’s trust and faith leads him to a gruesome fate, it allows the Replicants to meet their creator. Even the way J. F. and Roy ascend up the elevator to meet Tyrell is symbolical to the ascent into Heaven. The whole experience of meeting Tyrell is parallel to the Old Testament of the Bible. For example, the Replicants were created by Tyrell just as man was made by God and they were each separated from their maker and sent off the world. In Blade Runner the Replicants were sent off to a different planet whereas in the Bible man was banished from the Garden of Eden. Eventually the created begin to seek out the one who had made them, almost as a quest for God, and he does commits several sins in his search for the creator. Through the help of Sebastian, Roy is able to finally come into the presence of his maker, who welcomes him warmly and without reservation. â€Å"I’m surprised you didn’t come here sooner. †(Scott, BR) Tyrell comments as Batty enters his church-like quarters. Tyrell in this scene is a perfect symbol of the New Testament God  slow to anger and quick to forgive. He is happy to throw out the past, and look only at those things which are positive about his children. However, Roy is angered and upset by the presence of Tyrell, and he begins to make demands of the man who created him, much like Lucifer demanded to be in higher power in Heaven. In the end, Roy is like any other man. He is aware of his own mortality, and looks to Tyrell to give him a new lease on life. When he finds that his pleas to Tyrell are not answered he lashes out and rebukes the man who he had thought of as a savior in the past. This is akin to a man who prays faithfully to Heaven for a release from disaster or distress, and loses faith if his condition does not improve. Upon losing faith, Roy also kills the messenger, Sebastian, thereby paralleling the killing of Jesus. After these acts, he returns to the elevator and falls from heaven, returning to the material world as a fallen ngel. Lastly, Deckard and Rachel can be compared with the biblical characters of Adam and Eve. In the Bible, Genesis tells the story of two people, a man named Adam and a woman, who was made from his rib, named Eve. They were placed together in the Garden of Eden and given only one rule, to never eat from the tree of knowledge. Later, Satan, disguised as a serpent, coaxes the two perfect humans to eat an apple from the sacred tree. When Adam and Eve ate the apple, God grew angry and chased them out of the Garden and gave them sin, pain, and imperfections. There is an obvious parallel between the characters in Blade Runner and the biblical references of Eden. However, in Blade Runner the audience is able to see two couples portray Adam and Eve; Deckard and Rachel, and Pris and Roy. The two couples differ in the way that Deckard and Rachel find paradise, whereas Pris and Roy die. Pris and Roy do not find their Paradise at the end of the film because Roy rebelled against Tyrell, his God, in demanding to become immortal. In doing this questionable act, he destroyed any possibility of entering back into the Garden of Eden. Deckard and Rachel, on the other hand, are able to run away and stay alive together, thus â€Å"Deckard escapes ‘into a new Eden with a new Eve, hoping to regain at least a personal paradise. †(Romero, 115) Throughout Blade Runner, the idea of immortality and the desire to be like the creator is quite recurrent. The great strength of Blade Runner was that it successfully dealt with the tenuous nature of human life, and examined what really makes a person human. The film was meticulously crafted, and created a world which was decadent, dirty and yet strangely beautiful. The same can be said of its inhabitants, and maybe of all of us. How to cite Praise Be To Tyrell: Religion in Blade Runner, Essay examples
Monday, April 27, 2020
Ronald Takakati Essay Example
Ronald Takakati Essay Ronald Takakati, born in 1939, perched himself as one of the best historians and scholar of Ethnic Studies dispelling all the myths surrounding the Asian American minorities. By pondering into the slave trade and ethnic diversity that predominated the American culture in 16th and 17th century, he went onto raise the question of the society’s future and answered the questions; how and why scenario in America has become ethnically and racially diverse? The history of slavery goes as far back in the civilizations of Sumer and was found in Ancient Egypt, the Akkadian Empire, Assyria, Greece, Rome, parts of the Roman Empire and the Islamic Caliphat. But in Virginia slavery entered in the 16th century, yet there are several arguments regarding the exact preoccupation of slavery in Virginia. In his Different Mirror, Ronald Takakati made the readers delve into the history of slavery in America by bringing out the fact that although the slave codes were not enacted in Virginia until the 1660`s, a form of `de facto` slavery already existed there? The first forced migration of African laborers to America occurred in 1616 when Africans entered into the land of Jamestown by the Dutch slave trader who exchanged his cargo of Africans for food. Slowly and slowly slavery spread to all the parts of America due to the increase in plantations, but the slavery code was enacted in Virgina in 1660 and much after the Bacon’s rebellion in 1676, which resulted in the white’s solidarity and fanned racism against the Indians which led slavery to become an obsessed order of the day among the planters Takaki discusses that the racial inferiority and slave codes were empirically prevalent before the North America was colonized. The accounts from the English travel documents in the 16th century reveal the amount of racial discrimination and prejudice that marked the African slavery. The English travelers termed Africans as apes, and disparaged their social practice of unbridled sexuality and unchristian behavior. Even Jordan argued that African residents of Virginia were always considered as distinct and inferior group. Still even more than half a century after the colonies were established, slavery did not attain that dominant position, as both white and black laborers in the plantations were indentured servants. These Indentured servants were young white men basically English Irish who were supposed to work for a planter master for fixed term. They get room to but no pay and were not allowed to leave work for another planter. And were forced to serve the full term, after which they could acquire some land for themselves. These Indentured laborers were brought to Virgina as farm laborers, and their impo rtance of slavery can been seen by the fact that in 1618, the colony gave incentives when they offer a headright, a grant of 50 acres per servant, and an incentive to planters to import more servants from England. The reason behind the indentured laborers goes to Tobacco farmers who hold the view that tobacco farming did not remain a profitable venture for planters, as they could not afford to attend 1670 case. The second reason is due to the non-prevention of alliance between the poor and white slaves and superior position of whites in the social hierarchy. We will write a custom essay sample on Ronald Takakati specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Ronald Takakati specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Ronald Takakati specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The indented servants were brought to Virgina as Farm laborers and it was the rule that practically every servant before leaving the British Isles cannot return the contract, but around 75 per cent of the population came under indenture. Many of the Virginia slaves were imported from the Caribbean islands. As acting governor of Virgina said in 1680, that Negroes were brought to Virginia were imported generally from Barbados as very rare Negro ship use to come to Virginia directly from Africa. When the civil war was over many of the Southern plantation owners tried to change African American laborers with Chinese According to some historians, the plant owners of the tobacco farming did not add for any additional cost of slaves until 1670s. The laws of Virgina legislature, which was designed to contact slaves and poor whites, laid more emphasis on the superior position of whites in the social hierarchy. In this whole the exploited lot were Africans because they were already discriminated along cultural differences. This incident allowed the landowners to keep Africans slaves and render them powerless. Africans began to regarded as threat to their arms and assembly because of the different culture and appearance, subsequently Slavery enabled planters to develop a disfranchisement†This led the landowners to enslave Africans and render them powerless. The gentry took an advantage of already existing cultural disparities to prevent a class conflict. In the colonies the indigenous population were invited to labor. But the Indians refused to be become servants to the English. They resisted being forced to work, and they escaped into the surrounding area, which, after all, they knew far better. The conquerors could not quit neither work in plantation. Although they could not give surprise, there were prisoners, convicted of petty crimes in Britain, or convicted of being troublemakers in Britains first colony, Ireland. Many were kidnapped on the streets of Liverpool or Manchester and put on ships to the New World. Some voluntarily became servants, hoping to start farms after they fulfilled their obligations to their masters. There is another problem with Indented servants because planters did not like, the servants insolence. Although Takakti argued that in the 17th century there were very few laws, which defined slavery the people could earn or save enough money to purchase own freedom. On the one hand indentured servants worked under temporary conditions, the life expectancy of slaves were very low. It is a matter of debate among the historians that whether the racism that is ensued among the blacks came before the date when legal system was adopted in support of the life time slavery in Virgina or it is the trend of slavery that led to the start of the racists attitudes against the blacks. But it is historically true that in earlier colonial days, Blacks were not considered as direct slaves. Many of them owned property, led a married life and raise families and were not bonded in the salvage of slavery laws. In the year 1660 only, government formed a law, which designate services according to color. Every year between the years 1667 to 1672, the General Assembly used to define the status on any Virginian based on color. These laws continued all through the 1680, 1682 and 1686, but as and as in the final decade of the seventeenth century and it seemed to be emergent as the most important characteristic in the eighteenth century. The slave trade was rampant all over the British colonies for 200 years, until the year 1808, when under Article 1, Section 9 of the US Constitution it was totally abolished. There were around 300 Africans living in Virginia, which came to around 1% of an estimated 30,000 population. These were not slaves and many of them got their freedom but each were granted 50 acres of land when freed from their indentures. Soon the slaves began to be more preferred, and could be punished in any way and with any weapon. These slaves never have right to food and shelter and were forced to work until their death. The Sugar planters kept on bringing more and more slaves even though they were too costly and they were forced to work until death, while indentured servants could quit when they chose to. By the year 1661, Barbados framed the first slave code in all his Caribbean colonies which gave slaves more respectable treatment and made it mandatory for the slave owners to provide clothing for their slaves, but this new slave code removed all of the slaves’ legal rights protected under English Common Law and slave owners attain an absolute control over the slaves. Masters got all rights to abuse, assault and even kill their slaves. Immediately after the Bacons Rebellion, the realization dawned on the plantation class that there would be danger if we depend on a white laboring class who owned the right and freedom to assemble and keep arms, therefore the owners of plantations made the decision to keep enslaved African labor rather than white indentured servants. These African slaves did not have any right to assemble or keep any arms. By 1740, the black population in Virginia rose from 5 to 40 percent. This was the time when slavery became an institution. These Black African laborers were thought to be more valuable in the fields than white indentured servants. This is because Africans were able to adopt themselves to the hot arid climate and could work in a more efficient way than indentured servants and another reason was that these slaves could be made laborers for whole life but indentured servants could be made to work as laborers only for few years in order to gain their freedom and thirdly because the future generations of slaves were also automatically bounded to the same owner. This was the reason that the slaves were considered as most expensive than other type of laborer.  This socio and cultural fabric that marked the slavery led to the emergence of different ethnic groups who have made their contribution felt in building the new American Economy which even Walt Whitman said, a vast, surging, hopeful army of workers. Initially the reason for the origin of slave trade was more of economic but not racial; it was more because of the cheaper rates of the labor rather than color of the laborer. But later after 1660 it took the turn of racism, which Ronald Takaki explored with great depth. He says that race had always been inscribed in the social fabric which had been historically segregated the racial minorities from European immigrant groups and went to reflect in the book the multicultural, multiracial, and multiethnic character of American culture.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Award-Winning Singer, Norah Jones essays
Award-Winning Singer, Norah Jones essays I find it remarkable that Norah Jones, a piano-playing, female, jazz musician, with soft, romantic, feel-good lyrics, could, in this day and age, rack up 5 Grammys, including best album of the year, record of the year and song of the year. No one thought that sweet Norah would be able to compete with the 4 million plus album sales attributed in 2002 to big-timers such as Nelly, Avril Lavigne, and Eminem. Well, think again! She's sold over 6 million albums worldwide for her debut Come Away With Me. At a time when the recording industry is in turmoil, to sell 6 million albums is almost unfeasible, especially for a new and emerging artist. So, who is this fresh, new, jazz musician, anyway? The 23 year-old Norah Jones was born on March 30, 1979 in New York City. When she was just 4 years old she moved with her mom to Grapevine, TX, a suburb of Dallas. She began her singing in church choirs at the age of 5. Two years later Norah began her ultimate success – the piano. Norah, at the age of 15, moved to Dallas's inner city where she started Booker T. Washington High School for Performing and Visual Arts. Her first gig was at the young age of 16, at an open-mic coffeehouse. In 1996, still during her high school years, Norah won the Down Beat Student Music Award for best jazz vocalist and best original composition. In 1997, yet once more, she still won the SMA for best jazz vocalist. During her time in high school, she, as well, played for the band Laszlo, performing what she describes as "dark, jazzy, rock." Norah went onto the University of North Texas, nationally acclaimed for its phenomenal music program, where she majored in jazz piano. In 1999, she moved back to New York where she appeared constantly with the band Wax Poetic, which are now signed to the Atlantic label. But, Norah was determined to have her own group. A couple months later her dream was born with band members Lee Alexander (Bassist), Dan Reiser (drummer), Jesse ...
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
How to Say Thank You in Latin
How to Say Thank You in Latin The people of the ancient Roman Empire, who spoke Latin, expressed the concept of thank you in multiple ways. A formal thank you was commonly said as gratias tibi ago. A less formal thank-you was simply benigne. Thank You in Latin Gratias tibi ago literally means Thanks to you I give. The singular of gratias is gratia, which means gratitude, esteem, obligation. So it makes sense that the plural would mean thanks. If you were thanking more than one person (thanks to you all I give), you would change the singular indirect pronoun tibi to the plural vobis, like this: Gratias vobis ago. If more than one person is thanking someone, the singular verb ago (I give) becomes the plural agimus (we give): Gratias tibi/vobis agimus. The Grammar Behind the Phrase Using the idiom gratias ago or some equivalent was the typical way that Latin speakers formally thanked each other. Notice that both forms of you are in the dative case because this pronoun is the indirect object of the verb ago. Tu is the dative singular form, while the dative plural form is vobis. The verb ago is in the first-person singular present active indicative form. Agimus is the first-person plural. Latin didnt typically use the subject pronoun, thus we dont spell out the first-person singular nominative pronoun ego or the first-person plural nos. Gratias is in the accusative (direct object of ago) plural form of gratia, a first-declension feminine noun. Latin sentences typically follow the subject-object-verb word order, but this can change depending on what the speaker wants to emphasize, with the stressed word coming first. For instance, the usual I give thanks to you would employ the standard gratias tibi ago order. To emphasize the person being thanked, use tibi/vobis gratias ago. To emphasize the person giving the thanks, use ago gratias tibi/vobis. Expressions Thank you very much. Gratias maximas (tibi ago). / Gratias ago tibi valde. Thanks be to God. Deo gratias. Thank you for something. The preferred way to express this is to use the preposition pro with the noun (ablative case) referring to what youre thanking someone for. Instead of pro, use propter with the noun as a gerund in the accusative case for a less idiomatic version. Form the gerund by adding -ndum to the stem. I want to thank you for your kindness. Gratias tibi propter misericordiam volo. We thank you for good friends. Tibi gratias agimus pro amicitia. I thank you for food. Tibi gratias ago pro cibo. We thank you for wine. Tibi gratias agimus a vino.  Thank you for the gift. Tibi gratias ago pro dono. Thank someone for something they did:  After pro, use a gerund in the ablative case. Thank you for saving me. Tibi gratias ago pro me servando. Less Formal Latin for Thank You There are other ways of thanking that are less formal and seem more like the modern English thanks or its equivalents in Romance languages, such as the French merci. To say thanks or no, thanks, just use the adverb benigne (generously, kindly). Whether its an acceptance or a polite rejection depends on how you express it. For example: Benigne! Thank you! (Roughly How generous of you or How kind of you) Benigne ades. Nice of you to come. Benigne dicis. Nice of you to say so, which is an appropriate way to accept a compliment. Source The Dative Case. The Ohio State University, Columbus OH.
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Bonds, which tie people to the places they live Essay
Bonds, which tie people to the places they live - Essay Example It is often in the midst of an environment that is foreign to them that people tend to have a feeling of nostalgia for their previous lives, which was their comfort zone, and actually regret the cutting of those bonds, which tied them to their previous lives. It can be said that severing old ties or bonds is a necessary part of an attempt to gain one’s freedom from cultures, which have only a one-dimensional view of the world, and learning about other cultures. In this way, people end up being more cosmopolitan and by being cosmopolitan; it encourages them to have a more focused view of the world, free of the prejudices, which often make people very narrow-minded. The question that one should ask himself is whether they made the right choice in severing their old bonds or whether they should have kept these ties. One of the most important bonds that human beings have is the bond to family. This is the bond that one does not choose to have, and is instead born into and it is th e closest bond an individual can have. Family is very important thing to the human being and it is the first society that he experiences. Not only is it the first socializing factor in one’s life, but it is also the most influential considering the fact that the parents often raise their children to be responsible and successful people in society and to do this, they instill in them the virtues which are considered desirable by the rest of the society. The bonds, which tie one to one’s family are often very strong, even though one does not choose which families they belong to, these bonds are permanent. The only way through which one can break the family bonds is perhaps through the death of all of one’s family, and this is a very rare thing. However, there are times when even the bonds of family can be broken. A good example of this is in Adichie’s Headstrong Historian where Anikwenwa rejects everything concerning his mother once he is converted to Chris tianity. Not only does the bond, which tied him to his mother, get broken, but also Anikwenwa ends up losing the virtues, which his mother had taught him since childhood, and instead, he adopts those from another culture. This severance of bonds is permanent, and mother and son do not look eye to eye on matters again until the former’s death (Adiche 212). In addition, another bond, which is also very hard to break, is the bond of origins. A person’s origins are very important to him and many people often display a sense of pride in it. When people immigrate to a new country, for example, they often take with them fond memories of their countries of origin and tend to compare their progress in their new home to that of their old one. Many carry the customs and practices of their old country to their new one and they continue practicing them due to their belief that the culture in which they were born is better than the one they have come to live within. Not only do they continue to practice this culture, but they also have great pride in it. However, there is often a great bitterness among the first generation immigrants to a new culture when their children and grandchildren adopt the culture of their adopted country instead of continuing with the culture of the old country. The younger generation
Sunday, February 2, 2020
The Concept of Health Literacy in Promoting and Maintaining Adolescent Essay
The Concept of Health Literacy in Promoting and Maintaining Adolescent Health - Essay Example Factors affecting the concept of health literacy in adolescents are discussed. Recommendations to develop and enhance adolescent health literacy are included. Keywords: health literacy, adolescent, health promotion. The Concept of Health Literacy in Promoting and Maintaining Adolescent Health A young diabetic man, aged 14, learns about a new clinical trial on a new diabetic medicine. He goes to the study site to learn more about the trial. The adolescent is asked to sign an informed consent form; he must also have this form signed by his parents. However, once his mother sees the informed consent form, she realizes that her son’s participation in the trial will put him at high risks of health complications, since his current medicines and health state are in conflict with what is required for and being tested during the trial. This is a routine situation that exposes the role of health literacy for promoting and maintaining adolescent health. Adolescents must be able to read a nd understand health information. They should be able to use this information in ways that empower them to take proper health decisions. It goes without saying, that the adolescent health literacy is affected and mediated by a multitude of internal and external factors. In this sense, the concept of health literacy in adolescents can be defined as the degree to which young people are capable of accessing, reading, processing, and comprehending health information and use this information to take proper health decisions, promote and maintain their health, based on continuous interactions with their social and cultural environments. Literacy and Health Literacy among Australians Health promotion has long been one of the primary goals of health care; yet, it was not before the 1990s that the importance of health literacy was officially recognized. In the early 1990s health literacy was included in Australia’s health targets and goals (Keleher & Hagger, 2007). These goals and targ ets include improving language skills, population literacy, and public knowledge of health and health literacy, to ensure that individuals have the information and knowledge required to take informed health decisions (Keleher & Hagger, 2007; Borzekowski & Rickert, 2001). Unfortunately, less than one-fifth of Australians have high levels of literacy, which impedes the development and implementation of health promotion policies (Keleher & Hagger, 2007). Only every third Australian possesses functional literacy to cope with their everyday tasks (Jorm et al., 2006). Thus, just about one half of all Australians have the skills and potential to affect health decisions and promote their own health. This raises the question of bringing up health literacy from a young age. Why care about health literacy among adolescents? The answer is simple: there is no health without health literacy. Limited health literacy is associated with increased utilization of health care services (Keleher & Hagger , 2007). Poor health outcomes are direct results of low health literacy (Farrer et al., 2008; Keleher & Hagger, 2007). Low health literacy predicts poor verbal communication with health care providers and poor medication compliance (Keleher & Hagger, 2007). Therefore, it is imperative that adolescents have the level of health literacy needed to promote and maintain their health. Undoubtedly, superior health literacy is one of the foundational elements of improved health in adolescents and adulthood. The long-term effects of literacy on
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Walking a Difficult Line: Taking a Look at Borderline Personality Disor
Walking a Difficult Line: Taking a Look at Borderline Personality Disorder Individuals with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) live a difficult existence. These are people for whom maintaining normal interpersonal relationships, controlling anger, suffer from extreme self-doubt and drastic mood swings, among other symptoms. They comprise only 2% of the population, but have a disorder which the psychiatric and scientific communities have trouble acknowledging, and great difficulty treating. (4) Individuals suffering from BPD suffer a range of symptoms which include the following: dramatic mood changes, depression, irritability, uncontrollable anger, negative impulsiveness (which includes reckless sex, substance abuse, binging), suicidal feelings, self-mutilation, extreme self-doubt about one’s capabilities. (6)(3) They also experience a kind of heightened awareness of their environment and thus are overly stimulated by it. (1) In addition to these and other symptoms, individuals with BPD often suffer from other mental disorders – such as depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders – as well, making their BPD difficult to diagnose. (4) There is a great mystery surrounding the causes of all mental disorders, and this is also the case with BPD. Psychologists and scientists believe that it is both a biological and psychological disease, and that BPD as an illness is closely related to depression more than schizophrenia, which had been the previous thoug h. Experts have also believe that attention-deficit disorders could be a cause factor, as well as childhood abuse or neglect. (6) Many people suffering from BPD experience very strong feelings of abandonment by parents, family and friends, that can be triggered by an inci... 4) National Institute of Mental Health, BPD article "Raising Questions, Finding Answers" 5) National Institute of Mental Health , BPD article "Concept for Borderline Personality Disorder Initiative in FY 2003" research initiative 6) National Alliance for the Mentally Ill site on BPD 7) Dr. Linehan’s DBT course of treatment ("A Promising Treatment...") More Information: 8) More basic information on BPD 9) More information on DBT (treatment)
Friday, January 17, 2020
Organizational Profile of UT Bank Ghana Ltd Essay
The Chief Executive Officer of UT Bank has been Mr. Prince K. Amoabeng since its establishment. The bank has 24 banking halls nationwide, 2 loan centers and 16 ATM outlets. Kumasi Branches which are the focus have 40 staff members which comprise of 2 Management Staff, 25 Senior Staff and 13 Junior Staff. The branch has four departments namely; Banking (Operations), Wholesale Banking and Investor Relations, Retail Banking and Administration (UT Bank, 2011). Organizational culture Basically, culture is defined as â€Å"the way we do things around here†(Deal & Kennedy, 2000) or â€Å"the way we think about things around here†(Maull, Brown & Cliffe, 2001). Deal and Kennedy (1982) argue that culture is the single most important factor accounting for success or failure in organizations. They identified four key dimensions of culture: 1. Values – the beliefs that lie at the heart of the corporate culture. 2. Heroes – the people who embody values. 3. Rites and rituals – routines of interaction that have strong symbolic qualities. 4. The culture network – the informal communication system or hidden hierarchy of power in the organization. Groeschl and Doherty (2000) pointed out that culture consists of several elements- implicit and otherwise. Most often these elements are explained by terms such as behaviour, values, norms and basic assumptions. According to Schein (1996), culture may be studied at its most visible level through the examination of its artefacts and creations, which include physical space, technology, art, symbols, language, mottoes, and overt behaviour are the values espoused by individuals as the organisation faces and deals with new situations. These represent â€Å"what ought to be, as distinct from what is†. The culture of an organization develops through the course of social interactions rather than being imposed, and creates system of shared meanings to mobilize members of the organization in pursuit of the desired aims and objectives. Morgan (1997) focuses on the whole organization, the cultivation of harmonious relations at all levels, the merging of individual with common goals and a reliance on worker responsibility (Japanese approaches) as success factors in organizational culture. Successful organizations build cohesive cultures around common set of norms, values, and ideas that create a focus for doing business. Organizations are socially created and exist as much in the minds of their members as they exist in concrete structures, rules and relations. Organizational culture facilitates the acceptable solutions for knowing the problems, which members learn, feel and set the principles, expectations, behaviour, patterns, and norms that promote a high level of achievement (Marcoulides & Heck, 1993; Schein, 1992). Analysis of the culture of the organization based on observation The observation was made on the basis of the artefact, norms, values and, the assumptions and beliefs within the organisation. The observation followed through the working periods of the organisation: the observer was as objective as much as possible. Artefacts From the observation, every office and employee had stickers of â€Å"Loan in less than 48hours†and crests embossed to their breasts respectively. Also, each branch had the missions and vision of the bank hanged on the walls of the banking halls. The bank’s physical arrangement is a well-planned architecture of the office which shows clearly the various departments. Also, it was observed that the office design is one that fit the organisation and what it does. It has offices for various departmental heads and that of a shared office for the other employees which enhanced communication. There is no specific dress code for the employees, but the employees are also smart and formal in appearance. However, on Friday, employees wear prints made of the colours and descriptions of the bank. Employees spoke a corporate language which is English; but also intermittently spoke Twi when attending to the illiterate clients as well as casual conversations among staff. Values and Norms From the observations, the values of the bank are not only visibly seen on their walls, but also clearly evident in the behaviours of the employees. It was observed that, the general demeanours of the employees exude respect, integrity and high level professionalism. Workers reported to work as early as 06:00 GMT, and left the office as late as 21:00 GMT. Workers were willing to go the extra mile to keep the customers happy. According to Hunt, Boal and Sorenson (1990), leadership is a process involving the leader, task and situation and indeed. Most of the leadership literature confuses the definition of effective leadership by failing to make clear distinctions in some definitions, such as between leaders and non-leaders, effective and ineffective leaders, as well as overlooking the definition of the levels of leadership (Bennis, 1998; Bergsteiner, 2005; House and Aditya, 1997) Leaders are often tangible images of successful endeavour in organizations, serving as role models and mentors for the more junior and aspiring employees. The evaluation and explanation of leadership is the domain of theorists and researchers who offer organizations a range of approaches or theories, which may be said to evolve from the changing expectations of organizations. Leadership is â€Å"the process wherein an individual member of a group or organisation influences the interpretation of events, the choice of objectives and strategies, the organisation of work activities, the motivation of people to achieve objectives, the maintenance of cooperative relationships, the development of skills and confidence by members, and the enlistment of support and cooperation from people outside the group or organisation†(Yukl, 2002). When leaders are effective the influence they exert over others help a group(s) or organization(s) to achieve its performance goals. On the other hand, if leaders are ineffective, their influence does not contribute to and often detracts from, goal attainment. Leadership depends on the use of power, influence, vision, persuasion and communication skills to coordinate the behaviour of individuals and groups so that their activities and efforts are in harmony. Leaders encourage employees to perform at a high level to achieving targeted oals (Jones et al. 2007). Leadership in UT Bank Ghana Limited, Kumasi Branch UT Bank believes in quality leadership and its management opines that leadership is all about team-building and the expression of selfless work ethics. The leadership is a participatory one and as such it is a rule that all employees irrespective of the management level address one another by the first name. There is a vision for the organization; guiding, training, coaching and motivating employees to work effectively to achieve the organization’s objectives. The trend is to empower employees, give them as much freedom as possible to become self-directed and self-motivated. Often, that means working in teams. Teamwork aids communication, improves cooperation, reduces internal competition and maximizes the talents of all employees on a project. Strength and limitations of UT Bank Ghana Limited, Kumasi branch as organisms Strengths The organisational culture and leadership in the organisation helps develop an understanding between the organization and its environments. This describes the organization as existing in an open system where the environment has a great impact on the way the organization is run. It shows that the management of UT Bank can often be improved through systematic attention to the â€Å"needs†that must be satisfied if the organization is to survive. It emphasizes survival as the main task facing the organization which helps the goals to not be an end in themselves, but media of survival. The leadership in UT Bank shows that there is no best way of managing – thus, the best way of management is determined by the events happening at any point in time. It clearly shows that different approaches to management may be necessary to perform different tasks within the organisation. Limitations A careful look at UT Bank as an organism makes one assume that the organisation is functionally organised which leads to â€Å"functional unity†– interdependence where every element of the system works for all the other elements. However, in organizations, self-interest is a major conflict and also different elements of an organization are usually capable of living separate lives and often do so. Also, the rise in importance of the organic metaphor in UT Bank has undermined the efficiency of bureaucratic organizations. The metaphor leads UT Bank and its environments in a way that is far too concrete. This is because organizations and their environments can be understood as socially constructed phenomena. Their shape and structure is much more fragile and tentative than the material structure of an organism. It is misleading to suggest that UT Bank need to â€Å"adapt†to its environment or that environments â€Å"select†the organizations that are to survive. On the contrary, organizations have a choice as to whether they are to compete or collaborate. Collaborating organizations actions can have an impact on the environment. Conclusion Since an organisation is an organism made up of systems working together, keeping such systems in good and workable conditions is very crucial to the survival and subsequent success of the organisation. Culture and leadership can be seen as effective lubricants to the effective functioning of an organisation. The culture of an organization is many times created by those who lead it. The culture of an organization speaks directly to the beliefs and practices that it holds to be true. When thinking about culture a leader must help define why the organization exists and to lead by example. Thereby satisfying the needs of employees organisations operate more effectively and people truly become the lifeblood of organisations.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
The Rise And Development Of Liberalism - 1054 Words
The concept of ownership is one that seems elementary; however, when thought about, it is something very puzzling and convoluted.You do not really own anything unless you created it. You can buy a book with your own money that you earned, and you will have that book, but you will not truly own it. You did not write the words inside it or drew the art on the cover, it is not yours. You do not even own the paper upon which the book is printed. You just have possession of another person’s creation. People are most often guided into thinking that if you have something, you own it. The rise and development of liberalism in Enlightenment political thought has many relations with the growth of what is today called â€Å"civil society†, the society characterized by work and trade in pursuit of private property. Several Enlightenment thinkers, such as John Locke had thoughts about ownership and what it means to be an owner of private property.In Locke’s Second Treatise he writes: â€Å"It is very clear, that God, as king David says, Psal. cvx. 16, ‘has given the earth to the children of men;’ given it to mankind in common. But this being supposed, it seems to some a very great difficulty how any one individual should ever come to have a property in any thing †¦ I shall endeavour to show how men might come to have a property in several parts of that which God gave to mankind in common, and that without any express compact of all the commoners†He makes the point of that while we all shareShow MoreRelatedClassical Liberalism : T hrough The Ages1210 Words  | 5 PagesNortheastern University Prof. Florencia Gabriele 11/21/2015 Classical Liberalism – Through The Ages In order to evaluate both concepts of liberalism, we should take in to consideration their historical contexts. 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