Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Benefits Of Being A Top Paid Executive - 1981 Words
Introduction It is a well-known fact that huge sums of money is made by many executives holding high positions in companies. In the United States, it has become a debatable issue as many CEOs are making abnormally more than other employees in the same firm. Some say that they do not deserve the amount of money that they are paid. The people arguing this way feel that for the amount of work that is done by these executives, their compensation is simply too high. They also believe that these overpaid CEOs often do insufficient job, while still managing to reap the benefits of being a top paid executive. Whilst these are viable arguments against this issue, there is other school of thought on the other side of the spectrum who argue that this†¦show more content†¦At this same time frame however, most other workers have face stagnant wages . With these increases in mind, it should come as no surprise that the ratio between average American CEO’s pay and worker pay is now 303-to-1. Thi s ratio is lower than its peak in 2000, when it was 376-to-1, but it’s in excess of the 1965 ratio of 20-to 1 . When these increases are translated into dollars, the difference becomes staggering. In 1965, CEOs earned an average of $832,000 annually compared to $40,200 for workers. In 2014, CEO pay had risen to an average of $16,316,000 compared to only $53,200 for workers . See appendix one for more details on CEOs pay to workers pay ratio. It is quite ridiculous the way it has gone up over the years without bound. Components of CEOs Pay According to Carola Frydman Dirk Jenter, 2010, CEOs pay has five basic components. They include salary, annual bonuses, payouts from long-term incentive plans, restricted option grants, and restricted stock grants . According to them, CEOs also receive contributions to defined-benefit pension plans, various perquisites, and in case of their departure, severance payments. They were however, quick to add that, the structure has slightly changed over time. This broad pay structure of CEOs make them the highest paid employees in the work place . Who is to blame? Who are we to blame for this disparities in CEOs and commonShow MoreRelatedA Brief Note On Executive Compensation And Non Monetary Benefits1444 Words  | 6 Pagesforms of financial returns and tangible benefits that employees receive in exchange for their time, talents, efforts, performance, and results (Bernardin, 2013). Executive compensation is defined as the financial payments and non-monetary benefits provided to high level management in exchange for their work on behalf of an organization. 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I am sure none of you would have guessed it was the amount of money Mark Zuckerburg, the creator of Facebook, made in one year. Executive compensation is bonuses and benefits given to CEO’s of companies on top of the base salary they are receiving. The amount, as you see, can be astronomical which will lead one to question the ethics of employeeRead MoreThe Problem Of A Public Institution1238 Words  | 5 Pagesleads budget cuts that don’t impact all stakeholders evenly, causing vast economic disparity. Executives and Administrators continue to enjoy high salaries accompanied by high increases that are disproportionate to the faculty. Who are forced to work without raises in the country’s most expensive city, combined with the students paying higher tuition. 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Monday, December 23, 2019
Program Note for L.Dip.A ANZCA - 4229 Words
Toccata in Funk Bradley G. Eustace (b.1978) Moderate speed with energy Bradley Grant Eustace, the son of Robert and Rita Eustace, was born in Cairne, Australia on July 12th, 1978. Eustace is an Australian composer, arranger, publisher, and pianist who had been one of the nominees of the top five in the Classical/Jazz section of the 2008 National Music Oz Awards. He started learning many musical instruments in the age of 8 and he got his first Associate Diploma from Yamaha Music Foundations when he was 15. In 1995, he won a MOST (Most Outstanding Student) scholarship in the State of Queensland on bass clarinet. Then, he graduated as Diploma in Music Technology with the Australian Guild of Music Education in 2001 and got the Master†¦show more content†¦He is known as a pianist, composer, and educator who graduated from University of Melbourne in focus on music performance with title Bachelor of Music. Since he learnt piano in age 8, he began to love improvising and he took music composition class when he was in college. He composed pieces mostly for educating his students, to develop performance techniques and awareness of intelligent design. As a proof of his dedication in educating people, his works are listed in Australian examination syllabi and often heard in many music competitions, such as Theme and Deviations (1990), A Gangster Suite (2003), Red Hot Rhapsodies (1997). Red Hot Rhapsodies is a suite that consists of 3 folkish and virtuosic pieces composed for solo piano in 1997. It is like a sonata which Transylvanian Romp as the first movement, Siesta as the second movement, and Jamaican Fumble as the third movement. Transylvanian Romp starts in supertonic of C Major key and the actual key reveals in the end of the piece. It has an irregular time signature 7/8. The articulation, legato and staccato, shows the grouping of rhythm that always changes, such as 2+2+3, 2+3+2, 3+2+2, 3+4, 4+3. The form of this piece is free form but the first theme appears several times in many variations. The melody of this piece is always moving forward without pause or stop.
Sunday, December 15, 2019
The Euthanasia Debate Free Essays
Euthanasia is the practice of voluntarily ending a life to relieve pain and suffering (Euthanasia. com/definitions). The act of euthanasia differs from the act of murder in that the person who will die makes the decision to end their life. We will write a custom essay sample on The Euthanasia Debate or any similar topic only for you Order Now In the case of murder, the person does not wish to end their life, but anther person intervenes to bring about their death against their wishes. Euthanasia is categorized as active and passive (Euthanasia. com/definitions). Passive euthanasia means failure to provide life prolonging medical treatment and letting a disease take its natural course without intervention. Active euthanasia means to take measures to end a person’s life (Euthanasia. com/definitions). When the topic of euthanasia is discussed, active euthanasia is typically to what is being referred to. The debate over whether euthanasia, particularly physician assisted suicide, is acceptable is a debate of global concern. Both sides of this debate have clearly defined positions. One side feels that assisted suicide is a form of mercy killing, and under certain conditions patients have a right to assisted suicide if it is their wish. However, others clearly oppose euthanasia, claiming that regardless of the circumstances, to end someone’s life early is wrong. The following will explore both sides of the euthanasia debate. Proponents The Netherlands and Switzerland were the first countries to legalize assisted suicide for those that were suffering from a painful or deadly disease (Pollard). The issue is hotly debated, and jurisdictions around the world switch back and forth continually on the issue. On the pro side of euthanasia, it is recognized as a right of the terminally ill in order to end their suffering. It is considered to be a basic human right to die with dignity (Maisie). Proponents of the right to euthanasia propose that the right to die is a natural extension of a person’s right to make their own decisions on any other topic regarding their (Maisie). The concept that a person has a right to decide whether their life has value to them or not is considered to be a basic human right (Maisie). The right to take one’s own life by suicide is considered to be unacceptable in many cultures, therefore it is looked down upon as culturally unacceptable. However, suicide differs from euthanasia in that a person does not have a condition that would shorten their life, or place them in unbearable pain that is not expected to cease (Euthanasia. com/reasonsforeuthansia). People who commit suicide would have hope for a better quality life if they receive help (St. Clair, 2009). Those who consider euthanasia are exercising their right to end their own suffering. Doctors are at the center of the euthanasia debate. They are in a position where they have an oath to do no harm. Preserving a life of suffering against the wishes of the patient, or ending that life can both be considered doing harm (St. Clair, 2009). Patients have the right to refuse any medical treatment that is against their wishes (Maisie). It is considered to be contradictory to disallow them the ability to end their life in order to end suffering (Maisie). Many of those who support euthanasia do so on the basis of preserving human rights and dignity. Opponents However, those that oppose the right to die do so based on fears that it might be abused, and become a form of legalized murder (Maise). Concerns arise over legal heirs who might promote euthanasia for financial gain, or perhaps doctors who would hasten a death in order to receive an organ transplant (Maise). Opponents bring up many scenarios that would make the bioethics surround the issue even more difficult to resolve. For instance, would a mental illness be considered sufficient emotional pain to justify euthanasia, or would the person be considered to be incapable of making a rational decision in this regard (Hershey)? There are many such issues that weigh into the decision of whether to consider euthanasia to be a reasonable course of action. How to assess whether a person is actually competent to make their own decision when they are under the influence of heavy pain medication is another issue in the euthanasia debate (Hershey). The arguments by both proponents and opponents are largely hypothetical. The circumstances of each case make it difficult to generalize and create effective policy regarding the issue. Both sides have valid points. The arguments of both proponents and opponents are supported by hypothetical situations and scenarios that have come into existence. This makes the issues surrounding the development of uniform legal and moral policies about euthanasia so difficult because of the many different circumstances. The issues surrounding euthanasia are highly emotional and highly personal. In conclusion, the central debate that is at the heart of the euthanasia issue can be reduced to that of human rights. If the person decides to end their life and they have no hope of recovery, then the question shifts from care to whether or not they have a right to end their own life. They have a right to make other medical decisions about their own care, and they have the right to determine if they wish to be resuscitated if they should go into cardiac arrest (Patients Rights Council). They can make a living will and determine if they wish to have life-saving or even life-preserving measures should they become brain dead (Patients Rights Coucil). However, the issues regarding assisted euthanasia are complex and both sides viciously defend their position. How to cite The Euthanasia Debate, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Proverbs (482 words) Essay Example For Students
Proverbs (482 words) Essay ProverbsChapter 1 talks about becoming wise be graceful of your teachings and be gracious you are being taught. You should be happy that you are being taught and you are getting a good education and that you will be able to become something in life because of this education that you are fortunately receiving. Also it says that only idiots despise wisdom and instruction. Which I think is very good to know because it is dumb to just throw away knowledge and wisdom even instruction. Chapter 2I think that this chapter is basically telling us the things that could happen to you if you do not accept wisdom and the things that will happen if you listen to the lords word and the lord can strike fear unto thee soul. Chapter 3I believe that this chapter is basically telling us that we shall not let things come upon us that are not god sort of like the first commandment, which is no other gods before him. You shall always love him and worship him and not another being. Never disobey his correction to you because he is thy one who is right and you are thy one who is wrong. His judgment is always absolute and you shalt never disgrace it in any way of life and being or something like that. Chapter 4This Chapter talks of listening and respecting the lords teaching and do not regret not being able to understand what you have been taught by the almighty lord. Do not decline the words that escape his mouth for they are for understanding and learning. Wisdom is the main thing in life. You shall exalt her and be one with her by giving thee a crown of love and life. He has taught thee in the way of wisdom so you shall not overcome the strength of his teachings and readings. You shall not be tempted by the evil and go the way in evil men but fight for the thing wisdom has given thee. Chapter 16Devote yourself to thee lord and you shall be forsaken with love and gifts. The lord has made all things for purposes including the evil in this land. When a mans ways please the lord then the lord shall make his enemies forgive him. The king loves righteous lips and he loves when the lips speak of truth and life. To become upright to go on the highway of righteousness you shall totally depart from evil. Better it is to be of a humble spirit with the lowly, than to divide the spoil with the proud. He will always give you instruction so that you may do the right thing as long as you devote your worship to him. He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that rules his spirit than he that taketh a city. Religion Essays
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